Water Priestess

Annwyn Avalon - Water Witchcraft and AnnwynAvalon.com

Annika Vatten - The Sea Priestess

Bel Siol -Nehalennia Oracle

Dakota Chanel - Amrita, Feminine Arts and Water Priestess Mystery School

Gaia Woolf-Nightingall - Water Maiden - The girl that found a Well

Katheryn Ravenwood -Author of How to make Sacred Water

Rev. Kathleen Rouleau - Water Priestess and Protector

Katie McBriene - The Sea Priestess- Sea Shaman

Katlyn Breene - Mermade Magical Arts

La Sua Voce tra le Onde (Her voice among the waves) - Water Priestess Website in Italian

Lisa Goodwin- Steward and Priestess of the White Spring in Glastonbury

Lily - She Who Treads On Water - Personal Water Witch Blog

Lilith Dorsey - Voodoo Priestess

Sarah Chapman - Ocean Dreams Reiki - Water Magic Website

Meredith Everwhite - The Oracle of Water

Ness Bosch - Covenant of the Waters - an interfaith International Coven for those who share the love for the water element

Takara Shelor - Magnificent You Sea Priestess, Dolphin & Whale Emissary

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